
There are uploaded documents and presentations from the ECRAF Congress 2019.

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The ECRAF General Assembly in Gdansk (Poland) on 12th September 2019 elected new ECRAF President: Mr. Johan PIHLSTRÖM (Sweden) for mandate 2019-2021.

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Road safety in a global perspective

The conference was opened by brigadier Anne Rydning who stated that the Norwegian Armed Forces has achieved considerable positive results in road safety the last years. The brigadier underlined that it is important to keep on with the god results and hoped that the conference in this respect would be a valuable contribution for further improved road safety.

The brigadier concluded at the end of the conference that the Norwegian Armed Forces had received important impulses and knowledge of great importance for the road safety work to come. 

Six of the presentations were in English and are to be found here:

- Road Safety in Norway in an international perspective. By professor Ingaard       Lereim, Norway.

 Orientering nr 3 - Inggard Lereim

- UN decade of Road Safety - will the global disaster continue? By senior adviser     Stein Lundebye, US.

 Orientering nr 4 - Stein Lundebye

- European Union Road Safety Plan - is “Vision Zero” still realistic? By deputy        director Jon-Arild Jensen, Ministry of Communication and Transport, Norway.

 Orientering nr 5 - Jon Arild Jensen pdf

- Road Traffic Environment. By dr. Helena Svensson, Sweden.

 Orientering nr 6 - Helena Svensson pdf

- Lessons learned from military operations and use of simulators. By lt.col. Robert    Windischmann, Germany and ECRAF. 

 Orientering nr 7 - Robert Windischmann

- ECRAF - tasks and challenges. By colonel (r) Oddvar Haagensen, Norway and ECRAF.

 Orientering nr 8 - Oddvar Haagensen pdf

The program and the rest of the presentations given at the conference in Norwegian, are to be found as following:

- Konferanseprogram og adm. informasjon

 Orientering nr 2 - Program og adm pdf

- Trafikksikkerhet i Norge. Fagdirektør Finn Harald Amundsen, Vegdirektoratet.

 Orientering nr 9 - Finn Harald Amundsen

- Sikkerhet og forebygging av uønskede hendelser. Oblt Einar Eliassen, Forsvaret.

 Orientering nr 10 - oblt Einar Eliassen

- Ulykkesanalysegruppen - erfaringer fra en temaanalyse for vogntogulykker i       Region Vest. SenioringeniørHans Olav Hellesøe, Region Vest. Statens vegvesen.

Orientering nr 11 - Hans Olav Hellesø pdf

- Trafikksikkerhet i Sverige - “Blåljusprosjektet”. Ts.ekspert Christer Svendsson,      Sverige.

 Orientering nr 12A - Christer Svensson


The European Commission for Road Safety in the Armed Forces (ECRAF) has adopted the vision Zero as guideline for the work on road safety in the Armed Forces.

Vision Zero declares that nobody shall be killed or seriously injured in the road traffic.


ECRAF President:

ECRAF Vice President:

ECRAF Secretary:
